About us
About us

IEM SPA is not a common aesthetic clinic.
Our goal is to create a cult, a place where beauty and health are given not only by a professional team of experts, but also by your mental well-being.
Individual approach, state-of-the-art technology, professional supervision, relaxation – all make up harmony.
Your harmony. And that’s the biggest asset for us.
We are always keeping pace with trends and trying to meet even the most demanding requirements of our clients.
Of course there is the offer of the advanced technology and equipments and the services of the best experts. We offer our clients effective treatment methods aimed not only at the recovery and beautification of the skin, face and body, but also stimulation of the mind and starting up your entire personality.
In our portfolio, you will find services for the care of skin, hair, teeth, hands and feet, body shaping, but also more invasive dermatological treatments and relaxation methods.

MUDR. Alena
Beauty is not only my hobby, but also a lifelong mission. After completing Medical Faculty at the University of Comenius in 2005, the Department of Dermatology has captivated me. My practice has soon extended to include the field of aesthetic medicine, until I came into a clear goal – to open my own beauty clinic.
Beauty has fascinated me since my childhood, and maybe that's why my track started at the secondary art school. My ambitions were much higher, and so I began to fully focus on business activity in the field of beauty. This consciousness lead us with Alena to the idea to create a unique project and bring to Slovakia a place of a full rest, durable beauty and pleasant experience
The Team

MUDr. Alena Pallová
“Taking care of beauty is not only my hobby, but also my lifelong mission. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in 2005, I was fascinated by the Department of Dermatology. My practice soon expanded to the field of aesthetic medicine, until I achieved a clear goal – to open my own beauty clinic. The Institute of Aesthetic Medicine in Pezinok is currently one of the leading beauty facilities in Slovakia. But my surroundings know that the desire to move forward, as well as hard work and ambition, are among my strongest traits. Following the recent launch of Palla’s own cosmetics line, a new impetus has arrived. I see this as a natural step in further professional advancement. IEM SPA is the embodiment of my boldest visions, because such a diverse range of services, whose common denominator is first-class quality, safety, high expertise, attention to detail, affordability and friendly staff, has no other “spa facilities in Slovakia. I thought for a long time that my success was mainly based on perseverance. Today, I know that hard work and the courage to fulfill your dreams are just one of the parts of this challenging puzzle. Without the good and inspiring people I have around me, my personal and work life would be sadder. And just one of the people whose cooperation and professionalism I value immensely is Romana Škamlová.”
PhDr. Romana Škamlová
“Beauty has fascinated me since I was a child, and maybe that’s why my career began in an art high school.” After winning the title of 1st Vicemiss Slovakia and Miss Sympatia Slovakia 2007, she started her modeling career. “However, my ambitions were much higher, so I started to devote myself fully to business activities in the field of beauty and fashion. Even after so many years, this industry has given me a new impulse and now I can, in cooperation with MUDr. Pallova, realise my dream.” “I have been working in the field of beauty almost all my life and I know from experience that beauty is closely connected with our interior. It is about self-satisfaction and harmony of body and mind. Only then can we shine with our whole personality. It was this awareness that moved Alenka and I to the idea of creating a unique project and bring to Slovakia a place full of rest, lasting beauty and pleasant experiences.”

The same view that beauty is not only superficial, but also comes from within us, plus many years of professional experience, simply gave us the idea of making lasting changes in people’s lives. That’s why we decided to come to market with something new, with something that will highlight your personality as a whole. A place that makes everyone feel attractive and unique.
The strongest pillar of IEM SPA is a good name combined with many years of professional experience of MUDr. Alena Pallová in cooperation with the modern visions of Romana Škamlová, who has experience in the field of beauty not only thanks to modeling, but also thanks to successful business projects profiled exclusively in the field of women. Two innovative, bold and inspiring women combined their visions and know-how to create the IEM SPA.
“Today we are very happy that our intention has worked out and together we can create a cult that is not only a source of health and beauty, but also the overall harmony of body and mind,” says MUDr. Alena Pallová, who had the idea to establish such a unique concept and together with Romana Škamlová began to implement the project.
“IEM SPA is the embodiment of my boldest visions, because such a diverse range of services, whose common denominator is first-class quality, safety, high expertise, attention to detail, affordability and friendly staff, has no other spa facilities in Slovakia. We believe that you will feel with us exactly as Roman and I dreamed at our first “IEM SPA meeting”. “

The place, where the expertise and professionalism are connected with your very own individuality. Our goal is to make customers feel, after leaving IEM SPA, the positive difference – whether it means the improvement of the skin, relieve muscle tension, progress in shaping the body, but also a greater psychological well-being, perfect relaxation, and thus the total recovery of the body.
We want every woman or man who visits our day spa, to leave with the feeling of satisfaction with himself. Only in this case, we can really change our lives for the better.